Bold and careless in my misery, I made a decision.
“Yes, the whole thing.”
“You wish to draw your money out of the bank?”
“Every cent of it.”
“Are you not going to put any more in the account?” said the clerk, astonished.
A fool hope came to me that they might think something had insulted me while I was writing the cheque and that I had changed my mind. I made a miserable attempt to look like a man with a fearfully quick temper.
* ほとんど注釈の必要な言葉も構文も無い。あまり英語の知識は増えないが、すらすら読めて面白いのではないか。ただ、訳すとなると、なかなか表現が難しい。日本語力の方が問題になりそうである。miserable一つでも「みじめな」とするか「情けない」とするかで多少のニュアンスの違いは出てくるだろう。そのあたりは勘で訳すのだが。