When all the people assembled in the arena, and the king, surrounded by his court, sat high up on his throne of royal state on one side, he gave a signal, a door beneath him opened, and the accused subject stepped out. Directly opposite him, on the other side of the enclosed space, were two doors, exactly alike and side by side. It was the duty and the privilege of the person on trial to walk directly those doors and open one of them. He could open either door he pleased; he was subject to no guidance or influence but that of the earlier mentioned impartial and incorruptible chance. If he opened the one, there came out of it a hungry tiger, the fiercest and most cruel that could be got, which immediately sprung upon him and tore him to pieces, as a punishment for his guilt. The moment that the case of the criminal was thus decided, sad iron bells were rung, great cries went up from the hired mourners posted on the outer edge of the arena, and the vast audience, with bowed heads and unhappy hearts, went slowly on their homeward way, mourning greatly that one so young and fair, or so old and respected, should have deserved such a dreadful fate.
assembled:集められた court:廷臣 throne:王座 privilege:特権 pleased:好きなように subject to:条件として(このsubjectは形容詞だろう) but~:~以外には fiercest:獰猛な the hired mourners:雇われた泣き女たち(mournは悼むこと、喪に服することだが、ここでは「hired mourners」だから、職業的に、葬儀などで泣いて死者を悼む気持ちをアピールする「泣き女」あるいは「泣き男」であろう。ジャズの名曲である「モーニング」は、「朝」ではなく、亡くなった恋人だか知人だかを悼む意味である。) fair:美しい(「My fair lady」のfairである。端正な美しさという感じか。古語の「清らなり」や、沖縄方言の「ちゅらさん」を想起させる。)