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And not only did she know in which room stood the lady ready to come out, all bright and beautiful, should her door be opened, but she knew who the lady was. It was one of the fairest and loveliest of the ladies of the court who had been selected as the reward of the accused youth, should he be proved innocent of the crime of desiring one so far above him; and the princess hated her. Often had she seen, or imagined that she had seen, this fair creature throwing glances of admiration upon the person of her lover; it was but for a moment or two, but much can be said in a brief space; it may have been on most unimportant things, but how could she know that? The girl was lovely, but she had dared to raise her eyes to the loved one of the princess; and, with all the strength of the savage blood given to her through long lines of completely barbaric ancestors, she hated the woman who trembled behind that silent door.



this fair creature:この美しい生き物 *王女の、相手への憎悪を表した表現だろう。  the person of her lover:彼女の恋人である人物  but :ただ、ほんの *文語的表現のようである。後にforがあるので、「but for~=~以外には」の意味かと思ってしまうが、forは「for a moment」と考えるべきだろう。  on:~について   


not only….but….


should her door be opened


had she seen

she had seenの倒置。




そして彼女は、どちらの部屋に女がいて、自分の扉が開けられた時に、輝くような美しさで外に出ていこうと待ち受けているかを知っていただけでなく、その女が誰であるかも知っていた。それは宮廷の中でももっとも愛らしく美しい女で、自分より遙かに身分の高い人間を愛した罪で告発された若者が無罪であった場合に、その償いとして与えられるために選ばれた女である。そして王女はその女を憎んでいた。しばしば、彼女は目撃した。あるいは想像した。この美しい生き物が自分の恋人である人物に称賛の目を投げかけ、そして、時にはその一瞥が受け止められ、あるいは投げ返されさえしたのではないかと。時々、彼女は二人が話をしているのを見た。それはほんの短い時間にすぎない。だが、その短い時間の間でも多くの事を話すことは可能だったのではないか? それはおそらく取るに足らない事柄についての話だったのだろう。だが、彼女にどうしてそれが知りえようか?その少女は愛らしかった。だが、彼女はあえて王女の恋人の前で、自分の目を上げたのである。王女は、その完全に野蛮な先祖たちから長い血筋を通して伝わった蛮人の血の強さの及ぶ限りの激しさで、沈黙する扉の向こうで震えている女を憎悪したのであった。



As the youth advanced into the arena, he turned, as the custom was, to bow to the king: but he did not think at all of that royal person; his eyes were fixed upon the princess, who sat to the right of her father. Had it not been for the touch of barbarism in her nature it is probable that lady would not have been there; but her intense soul would not allow her to be absent on an occasion in which she was so interested. From the moment that the order had gone forth that her lover should decide his fate in the king’s arena, she had thought of nothing, night and day, but this great event and the various subjects connected with. With more power, influence and force of character than anyone who had ever before been interested in such a case, she had done what no other person had done—she had possessed herself of the secret of the doors. She knew in which of the two rooms that lay behind those doors stood the cage of the tiger, with its open front, and in which waited the lady. Through these thick doors, heavily curtained with skins on the inside, it was impossible that any noise or suggestion should come from within to the person who should approach to raise the latch of one of them; but gold, and the power of a woman’s will, had brought the secret to the princess.



had gone forth:実行された   but~:~以外には   skins:皮の   latch:掛け金 


Had it not been for


stood the cage of the tiger

・倒置法で、「the cage of the tiger stood」と解すればいいだろう。





The appointed day arrived. From far and near the people gathered, and crowded the great arena; and those unable to get in massed themselves against its outside walls. The king and his court were in their places, opposite the two doors—those fateful gates, so terrible in their likeness.

All was ready. The signal was given. A door beneath the royal party opened, and the lover of the princess walked into the arena. Tall, beautiful, fair, his appearance was greeted with a low sound of admiration and anxiety. Half the audience had not known so grand a youth had lived among them. No wonder the princess loved him! What a terrible thing for him to be there!



anxiety:心配、不安、切望  *「喉を締め付ける」ニュアンスがあるという。  grand:気品のある、堂々とした、豪勢な、素晴らしい





準備はすべて終わった。合図が下された。王族席の下方にある扉が開き、王女の恋人が闘技場の場内に歩み出た。背が高く、美しく、端正なその姿は観衆の称賛と不安の低い物音で迎えられた。観衆の半分ほどは、これほどに素晴らしい若者が彼らの間に存在していたことを知らなかった。王女が彼を愛したのには何の不思議もない! その彼が今、この場にいるというのは、何と恐ろしいことだろう!

The tiger –cages of the kingdom were searched for the most savage and cruel beasts, from which the fiercest animal might be selected for the arena; and the ranks of maiden youth and beauty throughout the land were carefully surveyed by proper judges, in order that the young man might have a fitting bride in case fate did not determine for him a different destiny. Of course everybody knew that the deed with which the accused was charged had been done. He had loved the princess, and neither he, she, nor anyone else thought of denying the fact; but the king would not think of allowing any fact of this kind to interfere with the workings of the tribunal, in which he took such a great delight and satisfaction. No matter how the affair turned out, the youth would be disposed of; and the king would take a beautiful pleasure in watching the course of events, which would determine whether or not the young man had done wrong in allowing himself to love the princess.



fiercest:もっとも獰猛な  throughout~:~のすみずみまで  deed:行為  tribunal:裁判所、法廷、裁きの場  be disposed of:処理される


The tiger –cages of the kingdom were searched


and the ranks of maiden youth and beauty throughout the land were carefully surveyed by proper judges

・「maiden」に後付けされた修飾部分が長いので、意味が取りにくいが、修飾部分を括弧に入れるとand the ranks of maiden youth and beauty throughout the land were carefully surveyed by proper judgesとなるだろう。

in case fate did not determine for him a different destiny

a different destinyとは、「虎に食われる方の運命」のこと。

neither he, she, nor anyone else







This half-barbaric king had a daughter as fair as fair, and with a soul as commanding as his own. As is usual in such cases, she was the apple of his eye, and was loved by him above all humanity. Among his courtiers was a young man of that fineness of blood and lowness of station to the ordinary heroes of romance who love royal maidens. This royal maiden was well satisfied with her lover, for he was handsome and brave above all others in this kingdom; and she loved him with a strength that had enough of barbarism in it to make it exceedingly warm and strong. This love affair moved on happily for many months, until one day the king happened to discover its existence. He did not hesitate in regard to his duty. The youth was immediately cast into prison, and a day was appointed for his trial in the king’s arena. This, of course, was an especially important occasion; and his majesty, as well as all the people, was greatly interested in the workings and development of this trial. Never before had such a case occurred; never before had a subject dared to love the daughter of a king. In after years such things became common enough; but then they were, in no slight degree, unusual and startling.





As is usual :通常そうであるように  the apple of his eye:掌中の珠、目に入れても痛くない存在   humanity:人間、人類   in regard to :~に関して   workings and development:働きと成り行き   startling:仰天させる


as fair as fair

・前のfairと後の fairが同じ意味なら、「美しいが上にも美しい」という強調として考えられる。二つのfairを別の意味とするのは無理がありそうだ。含意や暗示としてはあるだろうが。少なくとも、「公正」などの意味ではないような気がする。

Never before had such a case occurred

such a case had never occurred before の倒置形。もっとも、通常の文がこれでいいのか、よく分からないが。






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